Airport Carbon Accreditation  - Offsetting 2022 Emissions

Al fine di ridurre e monitorare il proprio impatto sulle emissioni di CO2, ADR già dal 2011 ha aderito all’Airport Carbon Accreditation (ACA) di ACI Europe (Airport Council International).
Nell’ambito della certificazione ACA è prevista la contabilizzazione delle emissioni direttamente ed indirettamente (Scope) connesse alle attività aeroportuali, secondo metodologie che seguono le indicazioni dello standard ISO 14064 ed il GHG Protocol. Queste vengono suddivise in:
  • Scope 1: emissioni dirette
  • Scope 2: emissioni indirette derivanti dalla produzione dell’energia elettrica e termica
  • Scope 3: altre emissioni indirette

Nel 2021, gli scali di Fiumicino e Ciampino hanno confermato il proprio impegno sul fronte della lotta al cambiamento climatico e, per primi in Europa, hanno ottenuto il livello della certificazione Airport Carbon Accreditation: 4+ "Transition" di ACI Europe, ponendosi come obiettivo il raggiungimento del traguardo “Net Zero Carbon” al 2030, con 20 anni di anticipo rispetto agli obiettivi europei.
L’accreditamento al livello 4+, oltre alla contabilizzazione delle emissioni, prevede la compensazione di tutte quelle rientranti nello Scope 1, Scope 2 e Scope 3 per le sole voci “de-icing aircraft” e “business travel”.
Per questo motivo ADR, sulla scorta di quanto individuato nelle linee guida (ACA-Offset-Guidance-Document-FINAL-09112023) dell’Airport Carbon Accreditation ( ) ha provveduto ad acquistare le quote necessarie a coprire le emissioni generate dai due scali romani nel 2022, pari a 56.633 ton CO2 (sulla base della conversione : 1 tco2eq = 1 carbon credit) , attraverso i seguenti tre progetti:

1. African Biomass Energy Conservation POA Malawi Biomass Conservation

  1. Offset programme: Gold Standard
  2. Credit: 17.400
  3. Short project description: the small-scale voluntary project activity (VPA),  over an initial 7 year period, aims to disseminate over 60,000 improved cookstoves (i.e. the technology) that are more efficient and use less wood for household cooking and heating than the traditional stoves; and to promote improved kitchen and firewood management practices e.g. use of less firewood, use of dry firewood, using a pot lid while cooking and soaking legumes before cooking (i.e. practices) to households in the Northern, Central and Southern Districts of Malawi. The improved technology and practices are intended to replace less efficient technologies and practices and result in biomass conservation and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere from the burning of solid biomass.
  4. Identification number: 2447
  5. Methodology/Certification standard: GS TPDDTEC v 1. / Gold Standard for the Global Goals
  6. Web link:


  1.  Gansu Yongdeng Longlin Hydro Power Project

  1. Offset programme: Verra
  2. Credit: 29.599
  3. Short project description: Gansu Yongdeng Longlin Hydro Power Project is located in Yongdeng Country, Lanzhou City in Gansu Province, China.  The Project activity is a new run-of-river hydropower project with two cascade power stations, each of which has installed capacity of 6.4MW (2¡Á3.2 MW). The total installed capacity of the Project activity is 12.8MW .The expected annual electricity generation is 58,969MWh and the net electricity supply is 55,204 MWh . All the electricity will be transmitted to Northwest China Power Grid (NWPG) which is dominated by fossil fuel-fired power plants, and thus greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions can be achieved. The average annual estimated GHG emission reductions are 46,440tCO2e.
  4. Identification number: 1196
  5. Methodology/Certification standard: AMS-I.D. /VCS
  6. Web link:


  1. Anhui Guzhen Biomass Generation Project – Biomass

  1. Offset programme: Verra
  2. Credit: 9.634
  3. Short project description: The Anhui Guzhen Biomass facility in China utilizes biomass combustion technology to generate clean electricity and produce carbon credits according to the methodology ACM0006. By displacing fossil fuel-based power generation with agricultural waste, the initiative reduces greenhouse gas emissions and promotes sustainable waste management practices while fostering social benefits such as job creation and improved air quality. The project's additionality is demonstrated by its reliance on carbon credit incentives to overcome barriers and achieve emission reductions beyond business-as-usual scenarios, highlighting its potential for replication and scalability globally.
  4. Identification number: 1121
  5. Methodology/Certification standard: ACM0018 / VCS
  6. Web link: